Generous Donation

When longtime friend Jordan Ogle reached out to ask for more information to support her recommendation of Beloved for recognition by her employer, DMC Insurance, I was happy to share our delivery data and was thankful for her unsolicited advocacy. Just a few days later, when she notified me that Beloved was selected to receive a $10,000 cash award from the Charitable Impact Committee at DMC Insurance's parent company, Crum & Forster, I was completely blown away! On Tuesday afternoon, Jordan came to our storage office to drop off a check that will have an immediate and meaningful impact on the lives of hundreds of vulnerable kids. Our board is tremendously grateful for this generous donation, and we know that the children we serve will be deeply thankful for the emotional and physical support items that help bridge the gap between the complicated circumstances of their removal and their foster home placements. Thank you, Crum & Foster and DMC Insurance, for your generous support of Beloved and the vulnerable kids in our community, and thank you, Jordan Ogle, for stepping forward to advocate for the well-being of young people who sometimes get pushed to the margins. You are making a profound difference in so many lives!